Tag Archives: Earned Sick Leave

Ron George: “Leftist Democrats” Believe Businesses are “Slave Plantations”

By Adam Pagnucco.

Former GOP Delegate and gubernatorial candidate Ron George, who is running for State Senate in District 30, said on Facebook that “leftist Democrats” think businesses are “running sweat kitchens or slave plantations.”  When challenged on his language by a reporter, he did not back down.

The Facebook exchange occurred on Daily Record reporter Bryan P. Sears’s page.  When Sears posted a video of Delegate Luke Clippinger weighing in on Governor Larry Hogan’s newest sick leave proposal, George wrote:

This helps no one. Employees will take it. Why not? Currently, I do not question my employees when they call in sick. It is their decision if they are too sick to work or have a personal need. But the small business owners I know in other states that have this say it is felt it is owed to them (the employees) and suddenly the business owners are simply paying for people not working. Why are the leftist democrats always thinking business owners are running sweat kitchens or slave plantations. Most treat their employees like family. I am responsible for my employees providing for their families and I feel responsible to do well for them and they feel the responsibility to do well for the business. Most owners put in many extra hours because of our responsibility to our employees and work extra hours for them. It ain’t easy.

George owns a jewelry store on Main Street in Annapolis.

When Sears raised the possibility that George’s reference to “slave plantations” might be viewed by some as “racially charged,” George replied, “In office I heard many comments speaking of business owners in disgust as if they are cold, heartless, inhumane.”  The full exchange appears below.

We get that as a business owner, George may not particularly enjoy the government setting his workplace practices.  But multiple polls find that huge majorities of Marylanders support paid sick leave.  Even Governor Hogan has introduced not one but two sick leave bills.  Are they all “leftist Democrats” who believe that business owners treat employees like slaves?  Or is Ron George as out of touch with Marylanders as he is inclined to the use of racially charged rhetoric?


Democratic Statements on Hogan’s Veto of Earned Sick Leave

Bill Sponsor Del. Luke Clippinger (D-46)
Video Courtesy of Bryan P. Sears, The Daily Record.

Sen. Rich Madaleno:

Today the people of Maryland saw the Hogan Hype Machine at it again.  Hiding behind the empty promise he offered in January, Governor Hogan vetoed real progress for the working families of Maryland.

Sadly, Hogan sat on the sidelines for while Democrats in the legislature did the hard work.  If Governor Hogan truly cared about providing sick leave to more working Marylanders, he would have signed this compromise legislation today.

Republicans in Congress are working to dismantle our healthcare system and Hogan’s actions today denies 750,000 Marylanders the ability to see their doctor or care for a sick family member.  We need a Governor who will stand with working Marylanders.

State Party Chair Kathleen Matthews:

Hard work should pay off, and working Marylanders shouldn’t have to decide between a paycheck and taking care of themselves and their families.

Democrats brought all sides of the table together to extend earned sick leave to more than 700,000 Marylanders.

Instead of heeding the calls of working Marylanders, Governor Larry Hogan dismissed them.

Voters will remember in next year’s election that Governor Larry Hogan put his own agenda ahead of the health of working Marylanders and their families.

