Category Archives: Guns

Who is Getting Money from the NRA?

By Adam Pagnucco.

In the wake of the latest mass school shooting, many are asking about the influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA), which is dedicated to blocking virtually all restrictions on firearms.  The NRA has not been particularly successful in Maryland, where one of the nation’s strictest gun control laws was signed by Governor Martin O’Malley five years ago.  But that has not stopped the NRA from trying to influence Maryland politicians by contributing money.

We looked up all contributions to state and local political committees in Maryland from the NRA itself and its PAC, the NRA Political Victory Fund, on the State Board of Elections website.  We identified 49 contributions totaling $22,450 from the 2006 cycle on.  Of that total, $12,300 (55%) went to Democratic committees and $10,150 (45%) went to Republicans.  Fourteen committees received $500 or more and we identify them below.  We also list the last date of contribution from the NRA; bear in mind that some folks on this list have not received NRA money in several years.

All of the above candidates were incumbents except Tim Robinson, who ran as a Republican against Senator Jim Brochin (D-42) in 2014.  Brochin was himself a former recipient of NRA money and is now running for Baltimore County Executive.  Democratic Senators Kathy Klausmeier (D-8) and Jim Mathias (D-38) are facing tough GOP challengers this cycle and have accepted NRA money in the last year.

Ten of the above recipients were in the General Assembly when the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, Governor O’Malley’s landmark gun control law, was passed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.  Those voting for the bill included Senators Mike Miller (D-27) and Jim Brochin (D-42).  Those voting no included Senators John Astle (D-30), Ed DeGrange (D-32), George Edwards (R-1), Kathy Klausmeier (D-8), Jim Mathias (D-38), E.J. Pipkin (R-36) and Bryan Simonaire (R-31) and Delegate Tony O’Donnell (R-29C).

Additionally, Astle’s campaign committee actually gave money to the NRA.  In 2006, Astle’s account made a $300 expenditure to the NRA and remarked, “This membership increases Senator Astle’s visibility and allows him to network with potential voters and contributors.”

One more recipient of NRA cash stands out:  Derek Hopkins, the Republican Register of Wills in Harford County, who collected $100 from the NRA in 2010.  Perhaps this is unsurprising since mass proliferation of guns and the writing of wills seem sadly interrelated.


Putting a Face on the Victims of Gun Violence

Two teenagers, Najee Thomas and Michael Mayfield, were shot this past week in Baltimore. Najee was 14 and Michael was 17. According to reports, “Michael was passionate about the Junior ROTC, band and the Inner Harbor Project. He played for the Edmondson High School baseball team.” Najee worked at a smoothie stand in Camden Yards and dreamed of being a lawyer.

I’m sure all reading this join me in expressing deepest condolences to their families.

Michael MayfieldMichael Mayfield

Mayfield was a student at Edmondson High school. He was a member of JROTC, a standout baseball player and a youth leader with the Inner Harbor Project.

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Mayfield was a student at Edmondson High school. He was a member of JROTC, a standout baseball player and a youth leader with the Inner Harbor Project.

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Mayfield was a student at Edmondson High school. He was a member of JROTC, a standout baseball player and a youth leader with the Inner Harbor Project.

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Mayfield was a student at Edmondson High school. He was a member of JROTC, a standout baseball player and a youth leader with the Inner Harbor Project.

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Mayfield was a student at Edmondson High school. He was a member of JROTC, a standout baseball player and a youth leader with the Inner Harbor Project.

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Najee Thomas


Moms Demand Action

Editor’s Note: Aimee Olivo of Cheverly wrote this guest post on Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Good news: you don’t have to be a Mom to support this terrific organization.

How does a trickle become a stream? A cry become a rally? A mom become a movement?

When enough gather with one voice to demand action.

And that’s what’s happening in Maryland and across the nation through Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

I’m so grateful to be part of this group working to save lives across our country and invite you to join us.

Like so many others, I was devastated by Newtown. I was outraged by Trayvon Martin. But if I’m honest with myself, I was content to simply be, as my friend Jennifer says, a “clicktivist” on common sense gun reform. I shared my outrage and devastation about those events and so many others that happen every day across our country via Facebook links, likes and comments. I cheered when the Maryland General Assembly passed the Maryland Firearm Safety Act of 2013, but I didn’t really do anything more.

But at my first Maryland Moms Demand Action event, I learned that there are a lot of moms and dads and folks who aren’t parents who care deeply enough about this issue to invest a great deal of time and effort in it.

And that is pretty inspiring.

Since its founding as a simple Facebook page the day after Newtown, Moms Demand Action has become a powerful, nonpartisan grassroots movement with a chapter in every state across the country. Recently joining forces with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, this group is now the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with more than 1.5 million grassroots supporters.

The goals really are, in my opinion, common sense solutions that support the 2nd Amendment and sensible laws that will protect our families and communities. This movement of mothers will no longer be silent as Congress, companies and colleges turn their back on sensible gun laws and policies. We are organizing to effectively lobby and apply pressure that will result in stronger, sensible gun laws and policies that will protect our children and families. As we grow, the message becomes even louder and more clear.

Maryland members of Moms Demand Action were instrumental in pushing the General Assembly to pass the Firearm Safety Act. But, the fight is far from over. The gun lobby is hard at work trying to erase these common sense reforms. (Just take a look at this questionnaire.)

So visit the site: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. “Like” the Moms Demand Action – MD Facebook page. Make a donation to support this important work. Come to a local event. And then talk to your friends and encourage them to do the same.

Because it’s time for gun sense in America.

Aimee lives in Cheverly, MD, with her husband and two sons.


From the NRA Questionnaire

Here are some of the questions that the NRA is asking candidates for the Maryland General Assembly. Perhaps after reading, you’ll feel moved to take a moment and join Moms Demand Action, an organization formed in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

6. Under the guise of “crime control,” anti-gun groups are promoting legislation to mandate the use of certain technologies on firearms and ammunition sold within those states. “Microstamping,” requires gun manufacturers to incorporate technology into each handgun sold, so that it imprints identifying information about the firearm onto a cartridge when fired. Similarly, anti-gun groups are promoting ammunition serialization/encoding which would require ammunition manufacturers to encode each cartridge produced by imprinting a unique serial number on the case and base of the bullet for entry upon sale into a state database. These proposals rely on unproven technology, which would significantly drive up the cost of producing firearms and ammunition and have limited crime-fighting utility (a tiny fraction of legally-purchased firearms and ammunition are ever used in crimes). Would you support legislation mandating the “microstamping” of cartridge cases and/or encoding of ammunition before sales could lawfully take place in Maryland?

7. When a gun is fired markings are left on the bullet and cartridge case, referred to as “tool marks.” These markings may, at times, be used to identify a gun used in a crime. In 2000, Maryland passed a state law requiring that all new handguns sold be tested and balistically “fingerprinted.” . . . Would you support state legislation repealing the required collection of ballistic “fingerprint” data for firearms sold in Maryland?

10. The “Firearms Safety Act” of 2013 imposed a ban on the sale, purchase, transfer, and transport of semi-automatic firearms that have certain cosmetic features, or appear on a list of 45 specific models classified as so-called “assault weapons.” Would you support state legislation repealing these provisions of the “Firearms Safety Act” of 2013?

11. The “Firearms Safety Act” of 2013 . . . requires individuals wishing to exercise their fundamental right to purchase a handgun for self-defense in the home to obtain eight hours of training, obtain and pay for fingerprints, and pay a $50 fee to the state before applying for the license. Would you support legislation repealing the licensing requirement for a handgun purchase in Maryland?

14. In order to obtain [a Handgun Qualification License], the purchaser is required to undergo . . a background check conducted by the Maryland State Police (MSP) . . .  Would you support legislation to eliminate Maryland’s seven-day waiting period and [more expansive] MSP background check upon purchase and instead rely on the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System?

15. The majority of state administer a “shall issue” system [to receive a concealed carry permit], allowing any citizen not otherwise prohibited from firearms ownership to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm for defense. Maryland’s system is “may issue”, requiring applicants for a permit to prove a “good and substantial reason” to obtain a permit to carry. Would you support legislation creating a “shall issue” system in Maryland?

19. Some jurisdictions deprive responsible law-abiding citizens of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms in their home merely because they reside in public housing. Would you support state legislation to ensure that persons are not denied their Second Amendment rights based on their income by prohibiting public housing authorities from banning the otherwise lawful ownership and possession of firearms by public housing residents?
