Title: The COVID Crisis: Where and How You Can Help Our Community
Date & Time: Friday, May 8th, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
- Mark Bergel, Founder and Executive Director, A Wider Circle
- Diego Uriburu, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Identity, Inc
- Jackie DeCarlo, Chief Executive Officer, Manna Food Center
- George Escobar, Chief of Programs and Services, CASA
- Councilmember Gabe Albornoz – Update on County Emergency Assistance
If you’re interested in volunteering or looking for places to donate? The webinar will provide information on food assistance efforts, mask making opportunities, virtual tutoring, diaper and formula drives, grocery card collections, virtual job training, and future volunteer opportunities.
To Register: https://bit.ly/HelpingOurCommunity
h/t: @jaredssolomon.