Hit Piece Against Mary Washington

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The above mailer makes the highly dubious claim that Del. Mary Washington, a candidate for the Maryland Senate, tried to take away $63M from K-12 school kids, and cites HB 1203 as evidence.

HB 1203, the Maryland Education Opportunity Act of 2018, was the House bill to provide free college tuition for Maryland residents who enroll at a community college as a candidate for a vocational certificate or an associate’s degree within two years after graduating from a high school in the State or successfully completing a GED. The fiscal note on the bill states that the initiative is likely to cost at least $63.4 M per year, and that the funding used to reimburse a community college for foregone tuition revenue will be paid from gaming proceeds diverted to the Education Trust Fund.

The mailer makes the leap that since K-12 education is also paid from the Fund that Mary wants to take away $63M from K-12 schools.

The Maryland Alliance for Progress PAC paid for the mailer. Other than aiding Washington’s opponent, incumbent Sen. Joan Carter Conway, nearly every contribution made by this PAC has been in direct support of former Laurel Mayor Craig Moe, current candidate for PG County Council.

The PAC has received donations from entities like KHM Limited Partnership LLC, Thrift Manor LLC, Lanham LLLP, GKG Partnership, and HMH Partnership.
