John Delaney Endorses Bill Conway

By Adam Pagnucco.

Congressman John Delaney has endorsed Council At-Large candidate Bill Conway.  We are not aware of Delaney endorsing other county-level candidates.  We reprint the Conway campaign’s press release below.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday April 30, 2018

Congressman John Delaney Endorses Bill Conway for County Council

Bill Conway, candidate for County Council At Large, announced today that he has been endorsed by Congressman John Delaney of Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District.

“I am proud to endorse Democrat Bill Conway for an At Large seat on the Montgomery County Council,” Congressman Delaney said. “Bill would bring policy and business experience to the County Council. He is a consensus builder who combines progressive values and a deep commitment to social justice with clear-eyed practicality and fiscal prudence. We need Bill’s leadership on the Council to grow our tax base with new jobs, control our choking traffic problems, and reduce the performance gap in our schools,” Delaney added.

“John Delaney is one of the most thoughtful and innovative leaders in Congress. He has served the people of the Sixth District with distinction and would lead our country wisely if elected to the Presidency. I am honored to receive his endorsement,” Conway said.
